DJ JIM - #ElectroМеханика №114 #THTMUSICRADIO → → → iTunes → → → все треклисты: 1. Lodos - Animarum Play 2. Lepo - Rugiada Synth Collective 3. Vincent Zauhar - Elevation Synth Collective 4. Daniel Corner - Starfall Soluna Music 5. Yasin Guven - Tekirdag Synth Collective 6. Leonety - July Sea (Asioto Remix) Inception 7. Tim Iron & Michael Mashkov - Cristiano (Peter Illias 'Back to Love' Remix) Emergent Shores 8. Robert Dalshetch - Barefoot on the Clouds Synth Collective 9. myni8hte - Towards Destination Emergent Shores 10. Z8phyr - Simple Melody Cool Breeze 11. Friendly Tune - Waking Dreams Nicksher Bundles 12. PoLYED - The Onset of Autumn Synth Collective 13. Meduza Feat. Goodboys - Piece Of Your Heart (Marcus Santoro Remix) Virgin 14. Mark Digital - Sol Invictus Progressive House Worldwide 15. Jeremy Go - Amboseli Progressive House Worldwide #djJim #djjimrussia #melodic #relax #house #progressivehouse #music #диджейджим #THT #микснастроения #музыкачувств #лучшеездесь #музыкавдорогу #музыканастроения

Теги других блогов: music DJ JIM ElectroМеханика